Wednesday, February 26, 2014


"A portrait of my Emmett, once a week, every week in 2014."
Emmett is bath obsessed. Lately it feels like he spends more time in the bath than out of it, although I know that's a gross exaggeration. When he was sick last week, nothing calmed him down until I put him in the bath. Then he wouldn't get out for almost two hours. Each night as he's finishing dinner he starts squeaking "ba ba ba!" over and over until his dad goes to turn the water on. It's pretty cute. He loves the water, and we love that about him.

This week, I want to remember my little boy, happy and giggling in the bath.


  1. So cute! Elin loves her bath as well and she is so happy in there. Makes me smile. :)

    1. Isn't it fun? Some nights at the end of a long day I'm tempted to skip it, but he's just so happy in the bath so I always give in. It gets out that last bit of energy before bed, and I love how clean and soft he is in his pj's after a bath. :)

  2. How cute! Aria usually has such a blast in her bath. Love that she is a water baby.

    1. I love that too! Makes me want to hurry Spring along so we can start using the pool again. :)
