Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Pinspiration: New Home

Follow Anna Kate Wilby's board Home Inspiration on Pinterest.

I've been thinking a lot about this new house we'll be moving in to. Ray and I are both anxious to move, but trying so hard not to let that spark discontent in our hearts for the place we are now. We have loved living with Ray's parents. It's been amazing for Emmett and such a gift to us financially. It has been a time of rest, of letting go of our worries and stresses and just being all together as an extended family. But we're ready to go out on our own again now, so the waiting is difficult.

Instead of sitting around wishing and waiting, I've started pinning! I have so many ideas for how I want our new space to feel, and of course Pinterest is the best place to keep ideas all together.

We are renting, so I'm looking forward to embracing the white walls and neutral tones in the house. I've been tending towards white anyway, with grays and natural notes and little pops of color as accents. I can't wait to take a blank canvas and make it ours, little by little. A friend of ours has been renting this particular house for a few years, but she just got married and moved away. So for me, it will be a nice little challenge to take her ideas for the house and rethink them to make the space work better for us. Luckily for me, Ray is really great at looking at a room and having a vision for the best use of space.

I'm excited to take the energy and excitement Ray and I are feeling and put it to good use on Pinterest. I hope it makes the waiting a little bit easier and helps us to really cultivate a vision for our new place together. When we were married I moved in to the home he owned and lived in with his friends, so while I was able to give it a woman's touch, it never felt like a place we would have chosen together. It will be wonderful to have a fresh start, in a place we can call our own, as a family.

Also, I really want to build a garden. If you have one, or have any expertise in gardening, I'd love to hear about it! I will be pinning lots of gardening ideas, and Ray's brother is an expert in sustainable gardening and agriculture, but I am clueless so I can use all the help I can get. I just love the idea of growing fresh fruits and vegetables in our own yard, along with flowers and herbs. Emmett eats berries like it's his job, so they are also at the top of my list for things I'd like to grow!

Follow me on Pinterest to see more of what I'm looking for in this new place of ours. And if you love Pinterest as much as I do, let me know so I can follow you!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks :) Me too I'm suuuper into pinterest now. Ha!

  2. Congratulations on a new place! I love the tones and feel of your board.

    1. Thank you Jessie! When I wrote this yesterday we were planning to move around the middle of the month, but I got a call today saying the house will be ready for us to move in this weekend. Talk about a whirlwind!

      I'm really excited, but also nervous. Thank goodness for Pinterest to help take my mind off things in the meantime! ;)

  3. We have the same problem with our apartment-- you can't really upgrade too much in a rental! But I've been noticing a ton of great ideas about that lately as well, like this one: http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/how-can-i-give-interior-of-rental-some-character-good-questions-200651
    or this: http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/10-ways-to-customize-a-rental-92528

    (and I'm thrilled to follow all of your boards on Pinterest! I'm a Pinterest maniac!)

    1. Yay Trista! I go through phases but I'm definitely into Pinterest these days. It's so fun and a great way to while away the hours (that I don't have! Ha!). Just followed all your boards. Love them! And thank you! I will check out those links right away!

  4. The anxiety is undestandable. That just means you can sense the possibilities bubbling up amid your state; where you can go, where you can head to with this new house. A new spot, new set-up, which should lead you to fresher places you haven't trekked, people yet to meet, connections yet to have. And a community which you will now be a part of and that will gladly claim you as its own. Something that a nice suburb should bring. In any case, good luck!

    Vancouver Canada Homes
