Wednesday, April 9, 2014


"A portrait of my Emmett, once a week, every week in 2014."

We spend a lot of time talking about cars. Firetrucks and school busses, blue trucks and green cars. We wake up to "broom broom!"'s through the monitor and it's "night night school bus!" every evening before bed. The boy loves his cars. And airpanes and helihopters and too too trains too. He's a little boy, through and through, and we love it.

This week, I want to remember my Emmett, all boy, crouched on the couch crashing cars. With that bibbit dangling from his mouth, as always.


  1. Awww, this is so cute! He is seriously pure boy! I have the opposite with Sydney. She is pure girl. Dressing up, having her hair curled, playing mommy with dolls and all. Lol

    1. Sounds like fun! I can't imagine what life would be like with one of each. So varied! Ha!

  2. Adorable photo! Great idea to take a picture of him like that. I know I always try to get Elin to look up at the camera but some of the pics I take where she is playing and looking down are my faves. :)

    1. Thank you Chrissy! It's impossible to get him to look up at me, so I take what I can get and hope for the best! ;)

  3. Can totally relate!! My 19 month old is OBSESSED with anything with wheels. Cars, trucks, airplanes, buses!! Books with cars and trucks. Anything and everything. So much fun to watch them grow and see their personalities come out.

  4. Love your photo captured your son's love for cars =) #livingarrows
