Monday, April 7, 2014

Currently. Loving the Little Things

Thinking about: This post. And what it meant for me. I sat down to think about 32 things that make me happy, and when I got up again I was different. I felt different, better, happier. What a simple concept, but one I'd never thought about really. Just making a point to think about and write down a few of the positive, happy, cheerful things in my life left me feeling positive, happy, cheerful. 

I want to do more of that. I'm trying to think of ways to make it a recurring thing here, but I will definitely continue to do it in my life. Every little while, when life is daunting or feels monotonous or I feel discontentment crawling in, I want to just sit down and write out a few things that are making me happy. Just little things. It's amazing how just focusing on the positive in a real way can completely change your perspective.
This highly edited beauty from Ray's phone has me swooning. Those buns. Gah!

Reading: I just read Corinna's post from this morning about One Thousand Gifts. I haven't read the book yet, and until now I had no idea what it was about, but I love the concept. It's exactly what I've been thinking about since Thursday. Making a running list of gifts, positives, good things, can be life changing.

Emmett slept in on Saturday until almost 9. We didn't know what to do with ourselves! We figured it out. ;)
Working on: Keeping life simple. Lately, that has meant staying home. Saying no to opportunities that complicate our life, even just a little bit. Staying away from shopping of any kind (I'll see you again one day, Target!). Focusing on the things that matter. For me, those are my family, and our home. So I'm working on making our home a place that I enjoy. I'm gardening, I'm cooking and cleaning, and doing all of it with a good attitude. I'm even kind of loving the housework. I'm working on enjoying the slow days, the "boring days." The monotony.

We are spending as little as we can, and I love the challenge. I've always loved shopping, and spending money whenever I wanted to. As I've gotten older and money seems to be harder to come by, I have slowly learned to spend less and less, and need less and less. While we're carrying our mortgage and our rent, I'm learning to spend next to nothing, and it's so exciting. I know that sounds crazy, but for me, it's a really good challenge and one that I'm really enjoying. I ignore emails from stores and delete them as soon as they come in. I stay home to avoid temptation to spend. I say no, and in my weak moments I ask Ray if I can buy a thing and he gently says no for me. It's a great exercise in self control, and it's been a good exercise in relying on my husband, on being open and honest with him about everything I'm spending. 

Sometimes having less can actually mean having more. Or maybe having "less" has just forced me to focus on all of the things that don't cost me much, or anything at all, and mean so much more than clothes or fancy lamps or that perfect end table. 

Jealous of: My sister Shea, who is in Oxford, England with her college soccer team this week. I'm seething with jealousy! But also excitement for her. I'm sort of buzzing with it. I lived in London for almost a year when I was 18 while I worked as a nanny, so London has a very special place in my heart. When she was preparing to go I wrote her an email telling her all of the places she should visit while she's in London later in the week, and it brought back a flood of memories. I was on my own in a big, amazing city, and I spent so much time exploring. Most people don't get opportunities like that, and it has been such a blessing in my life. 

So now I'm texting her constantly, begging for photos and a minute-by-minute play-by-play so that I can live vicariously through her. Ray and I are dying to go back, and maybe we will one day. I'd love to be able to wander those streets again, and show him all the places I loved to go. There's another reason to hold on to every penny we have. :)

Good hair really makes me feel like a new woman. Here's to more of that.


These two play together so well these days. Or, Emmett loves chasing Bagel around and Bagel mostly tolerates it.

I hope all of you had a great weekend! As always, I'm linking up with the lovely ladies at A Mama Collective to bring you this week's Currently. I hope you'll join us!

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  1. Seriously Target...get out of here! :) I have the book One Thousand Gifts and it has been sitting on my nightstand for far too long. I need to open it up and starting reading. Beautiful list!

    1. I know! Target is so good and so baaaad. I need to read that book. I picked it up for a few pages at a friend's house today and now I want to read it even more than before. Thank you!

  2. I wanna go to London too. Paul just got back & I'm so jealous! Did you move again? I gave up shopping for lent so we should do some free play dates to pass the time without spending money ;)

    1. Let's go! Seriously, I'm dying to. Girls trip??
      And yes, please come over. Are you free tomorrow? Fridays are the perfect day for a playdate!

  3. I love, love, love that you're enjoying the small things at home. It's so much more satisfying to be okay with the monotony and to do things with joy. I love your list!

    1. I agree! Monotony is just that- monotony. It's not easy, and it gets boring. I'm not always great at it, but I'm trying to love the day to day.

      Thank you Angela!

  4. you're the cutest, I love reading your posts! :) That bum shot pic is the best! Wish my hubs would catch moments like that! And I hear you on the spending! I've really had to buckle down and its so hard but also once you stay away for a while you really don't feel like you're missing anything. One Thousand Gifts is great! Im sure you'll enjoy it!

    1. Thank you Hannah! You always say the nicest things. Let's be friends!

      I know, I love the bum pics. Can't get enough. My husband has recently started trying to catch little moments like that and I'm SO thankful. I want more photos of Emmett and I together.
      And yes, not spending money is HARD sometimes, but it's so good for me. Even when I just want (WANT!!!) to buy something, I remind myself that I am learning and growing by saying no. Ha! That sound silly but it's true.

  5. This is the great thing because books can give ideas for gifts. We can have huge options to give gifts to women in India.. Buy Gifts for Her
