Monday, April 21, 2014

Currently: Easter Weekend

Thankful for: Peace. Confidence in the plan for our lives. The knowing in my heart that things are slowly getting better, falling into place. We've been through a crazy season the last year or so, full of unexpected turns and some heartbreak. A changing and growing season, and I'm thankful for that. But I'm thankful that life seems to be settling. And looking forward to our new normal.

Watching: Nashville! I started the pilot yesterday while Emmett was visiting his grandparents and I'm OBSESSED. I'm not even through the first episode yet but Connie Britton will forever be my favorite (Tami Taylor for life!) so I'm super super into it. Do y'all watch?

8:25 a.m. Waiting impatiently outside Emmett's door for him to wake up!

Our weekend: I woke up Friday morning with the worst sore throat of my life. Three hours later I cried every time I had to swallow and Emmett was looking at me with what resembled fear in his eyes so I left him with his grandmother and headed to urgent care. Apparently I had a sinus infection, which surprised me because I've yet to feel any congestion or sinus pressure, and two ear infections. I had no idea a throat could hurt that bad! Thank God for modern medicine. A few hours after taking my prescriptions, I was alllmost back to normal.

Saturday was one of those perfect days. Emmett woke up and ran straight for the sprinklers outside. I let him run around naked and it was bliss. We went to a friend's house for an impromptu Easter egg hunt. Emmett and the other kids played while we sat on the porch swinging and chatting. While Emmett napped, I snuck away to pick up Easter basket things. I almost never get to run errands by myself, so I was really excited. Target was an insane place the afternoon before Easter, but it was fun anyway. I had this perfect moment driving to Trader Joe's. The weather was beautiful, so I opened the windows and cranked up the radio. Neil Diamond came on (Holly Holy- takes me back to listening to the radio with my dad as a kid! Is anyone else really into Neil Diamond??) and.. I don't know, it was a good moment.

When Emmett woke up we dyed eggs. It was messy and silly and I loved it so much. I love traditions, and I love that Emmett is old enough now to sort of help and join in. I made this granola, and then Ray and I got ready to go out ON A DATE! We took a long bike ride to one of our favorite restaurants, and took our time with dinner and drinks. It was perfect, and a perfect ending to a really great day.

Can you guess who's is whose?

I know it's blurry, but it's RARE to get a picture of Ray smiling. :)

Sunday was more of the same. Family, friends, a warm day, and lots of bunny ears. I feel like I'm bragging- I'm sorry! It was just a great weekend, and we haven't had many of those lately with Ray being so busy with school and working on our condo. Things are good, and I'm happy.

Little booger figured out there was candy in the eggs so he sat down to eat and gave up on hunting!

I hope you had a beautiful weekend, and a wonderful, blessed Easter Sunday!
As always, I'm linking up with the lovely ladies at A Mama Collective to bring you this week's Currently. I hope you'll join us!

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  1. Ugh. Hate sickness! I'm finally getting over mine! Looks like yall had a fun Easter! Or the little bunny did at least!!

    1. Me. Too! Seems like everyone I know has been sick the last couple weeks. So rough- especially as a mom! It's so hard to take care of someone else when you're feeling miserable yourself.

      I hope you had a great Easter! Glad you're feeling better! ;)

  2. Nashville is one of favorite shows! Your'll be addicted. So good. Looks like a fun Easter!

    1. I'm addicted! I ditched my husband last night to watch like 5 episodes in bed. I can't get enough!!

  3. Your little boy is such a cutie!!!!!!!

  4. Love Nashville! It just keeps getting better and better! :)

    1. Love it!! I'm watching it all at once but I need to slow down so I don't run out of episodes! ;)

  5. Beautiful captures of your Easter weekend. I do not like to color eggs and it makes me feel like such a bad mom, but one of my older daughters loves it so she colored eggs with the younger children. It's much more fun for them to do it with her than me anyway. She doesn't really care if they spill or get stained hands, lol!

    1. Ha! I bet it's so wonderful having older daughters to help out around the house and with the little ones! I can't wait for that.Except that I can, because I want mine to stay little forever! ;)

      And yes, the spills and stained hands are not my favorite. Once the mess began I shut the egg dying down right away!

      I hope you had a wonderful Easter!

  6. Visiting from the linkup- Nashville is amazing we love it sooo much! Love your shadow pic, too!

    1. Me too! I'm trying to get my husband to watch it but he's not biting. Thanks! Love those little bunny ears. ;)
